Ing. Ivan Beneš studied energy science at the Faculty of Electrical Engineer of the Czech Technical University in Prague, and did additional post-gradual studies at the Faculty of Nuclear Energy and Physical Engineering and the University of Economics. He has over 40 years of experience in energy science in design and engineering organisations. At present, he is active as an independent consultant and deals with security aspects of energy supply, the economics of the energy industry and impacts of the energy industry on sustainable development. He is Vice-Chairman of the Czech National Committee for Disaster Reduction (CNCDR), and member of the Expert Council of the Czech branch of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (Czech BCSD/WBCSD).
He was a co-founder and president of the Czech Association for Energy Economics CZAEE, which is an associate member of the IAEE (International Association of Energy Economics). In 2008, he was a member of the informal circle of external experts to Deputy Prime Ministry A. Vondra for the preparation of the Czech Presidency in the Council of the EU, involved in preparation of the priority area “Sustainable and Secure Energy”. In March 2008 in Brussels, he was elected the head of the expert sub-group WG2.2 Distributed Network Security (including Energy and Water) established as part of the work of the ESRIF group WG2 Security of Critical Infrastructure. The objective of the ESRIF (European Security Research and Innovation Forum) is to deepen the dialogue between the private and public sectors, necessary for increasing infrastructural security and overcoming potential crisis situations. He occasionally lectures at universities and has authored over 60 papers in professional press.
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